In the spirit of the Beatitudes, we are called to serve the poor and the sick in works of compassion, charity and humanitarian aid.
This sensitivity encouraged the apostolate take on different forms :
Works of compassion …
The NGO International Alliances
To support its humanitarian work, in 1986 the Community founded an NGO, “Alliances Internationales.” Its mission is to support charitable and humanitarian projects in developing countries. These missions are carried out by the Community of the Beatitudes, or by the local associations of which it is a partner. In France, it is recognized as « Association de Soutien et de Bienfaisance » by the prefectural authorities, which allows it to receive donations.
In 2015, “Alliances Internationales” created the Talitha Foundation, hosted by the Caritas-France Foundation, which is entitled to receive donations from the IFI (Real Estate Wealth Tax).