- Dare to fly away for God -

Go on mission within a structure of fraternal and prayer life with the Community of the Beatitudes!

Breaktime in God is an opportunity for you to live an enriching experience both humanly and spiritually and to listen to the Lord, and to discover the many joys of community life.

What the Community offers

  • The discovery of community life, with its liturgical and fraternal rhythm
  • Accommodation, meals, and laundry
  • Spiritual accompaniment during your stay
  • Times of sharing and teaching with the Community
  • Free time to visit the country in which you stay

=>A personal involvement

In your prayer life, in formation, and in your spiritual accompaniment

=>Part-time Service

Generally, in the morning

=> An interior atmosphere

A reduction in your internet and phone use will be encouraged within reason

=>Give time to the Lord

Deepen your relationship to Him, and to your Christian faith.

=>Learn more about the Lord

So that you can better love the Lord.

=>Learn more about yourself

To advance ever further in your interior life.



Denver (Colorado)


Les sables d’Olonne

Holy site of Emmaus
Noto, Sicily




Sr Luzia de la T

Sr Luzia of the Transfiguration

Youth apostolate of the Community of the Beatitudes

© All rights reserved – 2024



Participate in a new young-adult ministry in Germany !

Our House

Paderborn is a university city.  Our monastery is found in a calm and multicultural quarter, a few minutes by foot from the city center!  We receive many visitors: for Adoration, Mass, students that work together or attend our events, neighbors that come for a good beer, and families who meet to encourage each other!  We are in regular contact with many catholic young people of the region who come to meet in the house!  In short, our house is a luminous place of meeting for the faithful of all ages and backgrounds.


We are going to help you discover and develop your talents!

  • You could participate in the different missions of the Community, notably with the young adults!
  • A big house and a big garden also demand their respective services!
  • You will work with us and with our numerous friends of the house.


As our house is in the center of Germany, there is only a train ride between you and a weekend in Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin, or Munich.

Close to Paderborn, there is the forest of Teutoburg; a beautiful hilly area for hikes, short or long, and biking either in the fields or on the mountain.

For a time of silence to better hear the Lord’s voice, you can take advantage of our “Tiny-House” in the garden, which is perfect for the occasion.




Set aside time for finding the solid roots of your life!


Thy-le-Château is a village situated between Charleroi and Philippeville, in South-West Belgium.  Namur, the capital of Wallonia, is 40 minutes from the house by car.  In the middle of a nature park, our house “Marie Mediatrix of all graces” has as its principal mission the welcoming of groups and individuals who wish to live a time of spiritual renewal.  You will be welcomed into a familial climate of prayer, fraternal life and peace under the maternal regard of the Virgin Mary.

You can also meet the other young adults in Community formation or those who visit us often!


The house is big and does not lack occupations!

  • If you like putting your hands to work, you will be of great help in the daily work of the house: in the kitchen, meal services, setting the tables, dishes, cleaning up, preparing guest rooms, etc.
  • If you are rather of the Laudatio Si type, you will not lack in manual labor in garden, notably in a permaculture vegetable garden, in thermocompost and in vermicompost.
  • If you like to make new friends in Christ, you will be a great help in our youth weekends. We live a time of fraternity, teachings, and of praise and worship with the youth every first weekend of the month!


Belgium has the advantage of being small, yet extremely diverse.  There are three national languages, and therefore three linguistic communities who have different customs, habits, and ways of living.  You could visit cities such as Brussels, Ghent, Anvers, Namur, Dinant, etc.  Belgium is also rich in different monasteries and communities; exploring them will enrich both your spirituality AND your palate!  Who could resist the famous beers of Orval, of Rochefort or of Chimay abbey and the traditional fries?!  And finally, you could always walk and/or bike to discover the beauty of our region!




Come to the village of Mary for discovering and working for Her !


Situated in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the village of Medjugorje is known worldwide as a Marian sanctuary.  The Community of the Beatitudes has been present there since 1989 for prayer and supporting the parish ministry here, notably by the animation of Mass in German and French. 

Our house “Regina Pacis” is found at the feet of the hill of apparitions, some meters from the “blue cross,” where pilgrims come for praying in front of the Queen of Peace.  The brothers and sisters accompany the pilgrims who come from all over the world through catechesis in different languages, particularly on the spirituality of Marian consecration in the spirit of Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Monfort. 


  • We propose to you a life of fraternity, prayer, and mission at the service of pilgrims who visit our house in great numbers.
  • You could profit from this blessed place for discovering in a deeper way the Virgin Mary and enter into the school of Her love. We will help you in this by providing specific formation.
  • We welcome to our house youth from various nationalities. You will discover the universal Church and can also participate in the evening programming of the parish, which brings together pilgrims from the whole world. 


Every day you will have free time, and every Monday you will have the entire day at your disposition.  You can welcome the graces of the site to better listen to the Lord and Mary, on the path “Through Mary to Jesus.” 

You can also visit the other close areas of Medjugorje: Mostar or the Kravice waterfalls (by car, bus, or taxi).


Ivory Coast


An adventure at the feet of Our Lady of Deliverance


Our house is in Ivory Coast in the city of Issia, 400 Km Northwest of Abidjan, the nation’s capital.  The is a splendid Marian sanctuary, where Mary is call “Our Lady of Deliverance.”  There are many who visit: pilgrimages, group retreats, visits to the house, personal retreats.  The faithful who come are generally from French-speaking Africa.


As a young adult, you can participate in the various missions of the Community, in particular:

  • Serving the retreats organized by the Community
  • Helping during pilgrimages, for example at the feast of the Assumption where there are 50,000 pilgrims welcomed in one day
  • Help within the house in the daily services
  • Participate in certain evangelization missions of the house in parishes
  • Participate in our apostolate for children and young people. For example, preparing Christmas trees in December or helping at the summer camps.


You can spend your free time seeing the beautiful nature at the sanctuary and elsewhere among the hills for a time of silence and meditation.  You can also visit different parts of the country as you desire.


United States


Come and see !


The Community of the Beatitudes was called to Denver in 1999, to the American West at the base of the Rocky Mountains. 

In 2003, one of the most beautiful parishes in Denver was entrusted to us, which composes close to 1,500 families (half English-speaking and half Spanish-speaking).  The Community is also entrusted the maintenance of a magnificent mountain hermitage on 25 acres of forested land. 

The missions are not lacking either, as Catholics here are welcoming and dynamic, ready to be involved in our activities.


  • You time with us will be an occasion to plunge into life with the Lord and into fraternal life… and of course into American English!
  • You will participate with us in the Community’s missions and the daily life of the house.
  • You can also help in the maintenance of our mountain hermitage and discover other missions in the diocese like the service of the poor.


Do you like nature?  Denver is at the feet of the Rocky Mountains, go hiking!

You like the city?  Denver is a US state capital, you can discover its skyscrapers, museums, parks, and other curiosities.

You like to meet other young Christians?  The Denver diocese is very active, you can discover how Americans today live their Catholic faith!



SAINT-MARTIN-DU-CANIGOU (Pyrénées-Orientales)

Take to the heights, launch your life towards the Lord!


This ancient prestigious Benedictine abbey and its stunning natural setting attracts many visitors.  We welcome tourists, retreatants, youth groups and young volunteers in the summer.  The beauty and the peace of the place invites all to “set themselves apart” (the abbey is a 30-minute walk from the nearest village) and promotes personal healing.  An area full of life and of spiritual density that opens doors to going farther with God and in self-knowledge!


  • Put your talents to for the Community and for our ministry of hospitality, as a testimony to your faith among the retreatants and young adults we welcome to the abbey.
  • If you feel up to you it, why not become a tour guide?
  • But also work alongside us in the house, in the garden, and in the daily maintenance needed to maintain the beauty of the site.


The many mountain hiking trails are open to you at the foot of the abbey!

The Mediterranean coast is only an hour and a half away!  With the regional buses that charge 1 euro per journey, you will discover the very rich and varied natural and cultural heritage of the region. 

And even without moving much, the abbey offers you the beauty of the mountains, the daily concerts of birdsong, the rumbling of a waterfall, and the freshness of the forest undergrowth!




Go on mission with us at the service of our guests in an exceptional maritime setting with a dynamic diocese rich in history !


At 200 meters from the ocean, the diocesan spiritual center of the Sables d’Olonne, who is newly renovated, is entrusted to the Community which ensures a life of regular prayer through its mission of spiritual hospitality.  Many people, in groups and in family, are attracted here for a time of healing.

The Community, already well integrated into the parish and the diocese of Vendée, participates in several pastoral services in addition to its essential mission of welcome.  These are above all for children, youth and young adults, and fiancés. 


We propose that you join us in our service of welcome, according to your talents either already known or to be discovered: from housekeeping to musical animation, in the maintenance of the park, or in being a testimony to groups! 


The park of the house or the nearby rocky coast invites stillness and quiet.  There are many various places to visit by foot or bike (ports, the coast, beaches, forest, and marsh).

A little further away are the coastal cities of the Côte de Lumière and the Vendée Intérieur: rich in a beautiful history that is particularly highlighted in the popular park, Puy du Fou.




Become holier at a holy site!


Emmaus-Nicopolis is situated between Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv (buses are available for visits).  It is a holy site for Christians, but those who visit are often not Christian, rather Jewish or Muslim.  A certain isolation gives a calm atmosphere, suitable for spiritual healing in a beautiful natural setting (the site is also alongside a vast nature park for hiking).  During outings and visits, we are immersed in a world both Western and Eastern, which can be both a gift and a challenge.


  • We are going to help you to discover and develop your talents!

    • You can participate in the different activities of the Community here, notably with the young-adults!
    • A big house and garden also demand maintaining, you can therefore help out in daily services. You will work either with us or alone depending on your capabilities and desires.


Being that our house is in the center of Israel, you are around 30 Km from both Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv.  Buses make it possible to reach Jerusalem where you can spend the weekend discovering the Old City, the holy sites, and the culture.  By bus or train, you can also visit the rest of this rich country: Tel-Aviv, Haïfa, the sea and country of Galilee…

Our garden allows for beauty of nature and silence for better listening to the Lord.

You can also walk (or run) in the neighboring Ayalon park!




Climb and descend to search out and find He who is “The Way, the Truth, and the Life.” (Jn 14, 6)


Our house is an ancient Carmelite convent, built in the 18th century in oriental southern Sicily.  The Domus Paradisi, meaning the House of Paradise, surrounds the sanctuary of Mary Ladder of Paradise: Marie “takes us up” to Jesus and “brings Him down” to us.  This ascending and descending movement is found also in the surrounding countryside of hills and valleys where many stone walls rise and fall.  The sanctuary and the annex house welcome pilgrims and retreatants.  The closest city (12 Km) is Noto, cradle of the baroque with its pale stone buildings.  Since 2002 the city has been listed as a UNESCO world heritage site.


    • Live at 100% the fraternal, apostolic, and prayer life, a life of always being in the presence of God and in communion with the Community brothers and sisters.
    • According to your talents and desires, serve outdoors in the vegetable garden and exterior foliage, or inside helping in the kitchen, with hospitality, and in artisanal projects.
    • Grow in the integral and essential “art” of loving and forgiving in an atmosphere of reciprocal giving.


Personal prayer, “desert” time, introduction to the Italian language, walks to explore the surroundings (the sea, nature, more or less neighboring towns, the ancient remains of the Greek era, the Etna volcano etc).




If you want to see where Heaven touches the earth, come to Kazakhstan and see the open steppes!


The city of Kokchetav, at the heart of central Asia, is situated on a large lake surrounded by steppes and hills, with a both multicultural and multinational population.

The 4-sister team of our house assumes mainly the services of the parish, organizes events for youth and activities for children, and helps isolated villages to animate their Mass.  Our buildings also serve as housing for students from neighboring villages.


  • We propose working on our team in the different youth meetings of our diocese and the parish, and helping with the children’s activities.
  • Depending on the season, you can also give a hand in the house or in the garden.
  • Where ever you are, we will offer you ways to showcase your talents and ingenuity.


You will have the possibility to discover the culture of the area, where people of many nationalities and religions live in peace and mutual collaboration.

You can also visit the orthodox churches, mosques, and Catholic places of prayer.

If you like nature, you can discover the charm of the steppes that seemingly run on forever, the picturesque hills surrounding the lakes and forests of Borovoye, or the high mountains of the Tan Shan foothills in the south of the country.

Depending on the length of your stay, you could also learn some Russian!

The time of silence in or outside the house, ideal for personal recollection, will help you to deepen your relationship with the Lord.




Discover a new culture!


Callao is the neighboring city to Lima, the capital of Peru.  Our community is found in an impoverished quarter of Callao.

We are entrusted a very dynamic parish.  That entails several apostolates of evangelization: catechism for first communion and confirmation, youth group(s), altar servers, leading prayer, etc.  We also organize a chapel of perpetual adoration.  There is a very strong faith among the Peru people, which is very beautiful to witness.  Sunday Masses are always full with people of all ages: families, youth, and the elderly.


  • Welcome a new manner of living your faith in meeting the Peruvian people and discovering their culture.
  • Participate in our life of prayer, in the work of the house, and in the Community’s fraternal life.
  • Volunteer at the parish’s soup kitchen for the poor.
  • Visit the sick


We are an hour from downtown Lima by bus, which is a city immensely rich in culture.  You can also take advantage of the time to learn or improve your Spanish!


Democratic Republic of the Congo


An unforgettable adventure that will change how you see life and the world!


Kabina is at the heart of the DRC, in the province of Lomami.  Kabinda, which means“oasis of peace”, is a city built at 900 meters above sea level which creates a mild climate.  The house of the Community is located at the top of Kabinda two steps from the hospital that the Community manages.  We are around 20 brothers and sisters of different nationalities who work in the hospital, put on youth events, evangelize in the communities, and raise animals and crops.


Several missions are possible according to your qualities and abilities.

  • If you have a medical background, you could help in and experience the tropical medicine department with our nurses, doctors, dentists, physical therapists, and others.
  • You are more experienced in management? Your help will be appreciated in the hospital administration!
  • You like kids? You can help with or put on events for those who are hospitalized.
  • You like meeting other young adults? There are many young friends of the Community here, we can’t wait for you to help us with their events!
  • You are more gifted in DIY projects or animals? You help will be welcome at the farm with our animals, in the crops, and in the other maintenance projects. 

Suggested duration of your stay: At minimum, one month.  At maximum, three.


Our house, even though in town, benefits from a country climate.  Perfect for hikes, the view is fantastic!

You can also discover the town and meander in the markets.

Not to mention the demonstrations of all kinds!




Come and take a step up
to find the one who lives in your heart!


Located in the heart of Valais, our house is like a balcony overlooking both the Rhône valley and many alpine summits of over 4000 m.  We have the luck to live in a microclimate that gratifies us with around 300 days of sun every year (emoji avec des lunettes).  Our principal activity (after prayer!) consists of welcoming individuals and groups (sacrament preparation, Équipes Notre-Dame, various prayer groups, etc.).


We welcome your help in organizing unforgettable retreats and other meetings that we offer throughout the year for all ages. 

We will accompany you for putting to work your talents, and for helping you to discover the depths of Jesus.

You will be also solicited in helping us to further embellish our house and making it even more welcoming (meaning: restoration work when needed, work in the garden, etc.).

You can also take part in the Adoray prayer evenings at our mission in Lausanne.


“Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights!” (Ps 148: 1)

There are many hiking trails that leave from nearby our house and join a network of 8,000 Km of trails in Valais.  In winter, some of these trails become snowshoe trails.

Do you seek out thrills? Know that we are close to several ski resorts (although we must ask that it be at your expense).

For the outings to see the culture, you can visit the popular Swiss cities and encounter the local traditions, unique to each canton. 

Finally, if you want to grow in holiness, Switzerland has also a rich spiritual history to discover (Saint Nicolas de Flüe, Saint Maurice, Saint Bernard, the Marian shrine at Einsiedeln, etc.).



Zug (German speaking)

Take a step up,
throw your life to the Lord!

Our House

Zug (or Zoug for francophones) is the capital of the canton of Zug and has a population of around 31,000.  It is located north-east of lake Zug at an equal distance from Lucerne et from Zurich.  Our monastery (once owned by the Capuchins) is found at the heart of the city in a peaceful quarter who, with its numerous ancient towers, plunges us into history.  The house is visited in particular by young workers and students who come for personal retreats or retreats in groups; the house offers them a pleasant setting, perfect for prayer and meditation.  If you like mountain excursions and being in the fresh air, you will also have the occasion to savor the natural beauty here.  And finally, being in a Germanophone canton but a Francophone community, we all speak fluently both German and French.

Your Mission

  • In letting yourself be carried by the prayer of the brothers and sisters, end by the beauty of the liturgy, you will be able to find the space to deepen you intimacy with the Lord in your prayer.
  • But you will also be able to experience life in the Community by taking part in the community rhythm, that will be adapted to your own human and spiritual balance.
  • You can also take part in the services of the house (Ex: helping in the garden, in the kitchen, etc.).
  • All of this being centered around the regular prayer of the Mass.

Free Time

The geographic situation of Zug offers you many possibilities.  Being located along lake Zug makes it possible to take in the beauty of the mountains through a simple boat ride.

Or you can easily reach the bigger cities (Zurich, Lucerne…), the train station is 12 minutes by foot from the monastery.

Don’t forget about the mountain activities!  Hiking, skiing, sledding.

You can also join our youth who put on an evening of prayer and sharing every Sunday.

You can also take time for your personal meditation in silence, and if you desire spiritual direction during your time with us.



Tu as entendu parlé du Breaktime for God et tu aimerais en savoir plus ? Super ! 

Peut-être as-tu encore beaucoup de questions et peut-être n’es-tu pas encore sûr(e) ? Ce n’est pas grave ! C’est en avançant pas à pas, comme tu le fais, que tu trouveras ta voie et nous pouvons t’y aider et t’accompagner ! 
Alors remplis ce petit questionnaire et nous te contacterons pour voir la suite ! 

Contact Béatitudes Jeunes

Sr Tsippora

Communauté des Béatitudes
Domaine de Burtin
F – 41600 Nouan-le-Fuzelier

Contacter par mail.
+33 (0)6 58 14 28 92

Contact Beatitudes Youth

Fr. Anthony

Communauté of Beatitudes
Domaine de Burtin
F – 41600 Nouan-le-Fuzelier

Contact us by mail.
+33 7 83 62 24 94