Called to happiness, we all have a vocation to fulfill.

- Your vocation: dare to think about it! -

What is certain is that we all have a vocation: the vocation to happiness! Or in other words: the vocation to holiness!

So why think about it? Very often, this question doesn’t worry us much. Perhaps it frightens us, we feel incapable, and many questions arise… So, how do we discern?

One thing’s for sure: if you’re reading these lines, it’s because this question is on your mind, and you’re looking for answers…

Each of our decisions – big or small – reveals our desire, our aspirations, the meaning we want to give to our lives. To move forward in life, there’s an essential question to ask ourselves:

Where will I be happy

and how?

Jesus will be present with us in our response to the call and throughout our lives.

“And I am with you always, until the end of the world.”

– Mt 28, 20 –


the right questions

and ask ourselves if our answers are the most appropriate…

Q° 1

What do I want?

What am I looking for?

A. I seek God in everything and He comes first in my life, whatever the path.

B. I try to make people happy by forgetting myself.

C. I seek to do something that costs me, in a spirit of sacrifice.


How do I move forward?

How do I discern?

A. I pray to God for enlightenment and await His answer.

B. I am accompanied by a priest, a consecrated person or a lay person on this question.

C. I don't have time to stop. If God calls me, He will let me know.

Q° 3

Am I afraid of moving forward?

What scares me?

A. I'm afraid of making a mistake.

B. I'm afraid of being called because I don't want to be.

C. I'm afraid of being unhappy.

D. I'm afraid of what people, my family and friends will think.


I know my calling, but where do I embody it?

A. I wait for things to happen without putting any effort into it. My sofa is my best friend.

B. I look for things, make a list to get things done, but nothing concrete happens.

C. I go to all the retreats and camps of all the Communities to find my soul mate or to find the Community I could join.

D. I don't know what to do.

a few


Tip 1

To trust God in prayer!

It's always good to come to Him with an open, wide and generous heart! He enlightens us and helps us. For some people, a retreat can help them see things more clearly.

Tip 2

To have a spiritual accompaniment

There are lots of criteria and questions to ask yourself. To do this, you need someone to share them with! A person qualified to receive them will have an attentive ear to accompany your reflection and not guide or decide for you. That's what it means to ask the Church what it thinks, and that's how you can reread your life and its stages to see God's work and my action too!

Tip 3

To confront reality

Whatever the outcome of this questioning, our vocation is an encounter between God's will and our own. We will always be free to choose what seems right, coherent and best for us. A word of advice: Go forward, give of yourself, confront reality through service and experience.

Tip 4

Don’t wait until you’re sure before moving forward

We can't be sure of our vocation until the day we make our final commitment, whatever that may be. A vocation always follows a path of growth during which the person continues to discern, to let this desire, this intuition, this call, be enlightened and mature.

Many elements reinforce a basic intuition (the Word of God, experiences, encounters, etc.).

Tip 5

Keep Calm

We’re never wrong

Whatever decision we make, if it's oriented towards the good and fits in with the good, it will be good: God writes straight with curved lines.

Sometimes we can't hear God's voice or follow it, but God accompanies us in every step we take towards Him. So don't worry, if you're trying to please God and do good, you're on the right path.

A call

to the Beatitudes?

What does it involve?

The Beatitudes family :

an ecclesial family

An image of the people of God in its unity and the diversity of its callings, the Community brings together three branches:

  • a male branch of consecrated life
  • a female branch of consecrated life
  • a branch of lay members, married or single

Our spirituality

The founding charism unfolds through :

  • life in the Spirit
  • communion of states of life
  • the apostolic influence that flows from it.

Our apostolic life

Apostolic life is the overflow of each person's inner life and the opportunity to experience God's action and the power of the Spirit through self-giving. It is also a privileged opportunity to bear witness to the beauty, richness and complementarity of God's people.

Join the Community

Integration into the community is a gradual process that varies according to the state of life to which one is called.




Breaktime for God

Mission within a framework of fraternal life
and prayer with the
Community of the Beatitudes!



Beatitudes Disciples

A year for God based on the charism of the Community of the Beatitudes, for young people aged 18 to 30: October to August.
Please note: School in French and in France.

learn more


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Contact us

Youth apostolate of the Community of the Beatitudes

© All rights reserved – 2024

famille ecclésiale de vie consacrée

Contact Béatitudes Jeunes

Sr Tsippora

Communauté des Béatitudes
Domaine de Burtin
F – 41600 Nouan-le-Fuzelier

Contacter par mail.
+33 (0)6 58 14 28 92

An ecclesial family of consecrated life

Contact Beatitudes Youth

Fr. Anthony

Communauté of Beatitudes
Domaine de Burtin
F – 41600 Nouan-le-Fuzelier

Contact us by mail.
+33 7 83 62 24 94