Support us

Why make a donation to the Community of the Beatitudes?

Supporting the Community of the Beatitudes means supporting the mission of the Church in all the countries where the Community is established, through its evangelization outreach  (running retreats, camps, pilgrimages, apostolates for young people, publications) and its work in the field of charity and compassion (foster homes, orphanages, hospitals, development projects).


Your generosity allows us, among other things, to form young vocations…

Each year the Community of the Beatitudes is blessed with around 200 young people in formation, of which about a hundred are in the initial stages of formation which precede the temporary engagement for the laity and the temporary vows for the consecrated. The Community welcomes between 30 and 40 new vocations each year for the first stage of integration into community life called “aspirancy.” Formation continues with postulancy (or probation for the laity), novitiate, and several more years of formation leading up to final vows or permanent commitments. Each year, around 30 brothers study for the priesthood.

It is the responsibility of the Community to properly prepare the young people who knock on its door for their commitment to serve Christ. This training is essential… but it comes at a cost! All the more so as costs related to daily life and health insurance for young vocations are added to those of the formation itself. The initial formation lasts from 3 to 6 years, according to the individual calling of each one, at an annual cost of $17,000 per person. The Community needs your support.

How to Donate to the Community

Donating online is convenient, fast, and secure.

We can only offer this online solution to a French account. For fiscal reasons, the Community of the Beatitudes relies on the National Foundation for the Clergy, which transfers the donations in full. Please note that the Community is only informed of your online donation by the Clergy Foundation twice a year, in January and August, which is why, unfortunately, we can only personally thank our donors with a few months delay.

  • Donation by transfer:

If you wish to support the formation of young vocations of the Community of the Beatitudes in a particular way, specify on your transfer or check: “Donation for formation”.

  • by transfer to a French account :

Bank Account Details:
IBAN : FR76 1562 9026 6900 0319 2444 528

  • You can directly support one of our English-speaking houses:
    • In Denver (USA):
      Catholic Community of the Beatitudes,
      2924 West 43 rd Avenue,
      Denver, Colorado, 80211 
      • Bank account details:

        US Banks
        ABA routing number: 102000021
        Swift Code: USBKUS44IMT
        Account number: 103678081177
    • In New Zealand:
      Community of the Beatitudes
      Our Lady of Fourvière
      50 Terrace Road RD1
      Amberley 8251 North Canterbury

      • New Zealand Bank Account Details:

        The Beatitudes: 03-0802-0900799-00
        Bank: Westpac
        Branch: 113 Carters Road, Amberley, North Canterbury 7481,
        New Zealand
        Swift code : WPACNZ2W


Thank you for your donation!

Donor contact


You can contact our donor relations manager:

Brother Moïse Ballard
Communauté des Béatitudes
60, avenue du Général Compans
31700 Blagnac – FRANCE


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    “Votre don sera reçu par la Fondation pour le Clergé, en faveur de la Communauté des Béatitudes et les données recueillies sur le formulaire de don serviront aux communications de la Communauté des Béatitudes et de la Fondation pour le Clergé.”

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