In the Beatitudes Family, connected to the Community, young people, couples, single people, deacons, and diocesan priests can live their daily lives according to the spirituality of the Community by taking on a commitment as “affiliated members.” There are several types of commitment and ways of belonging to the Beatitudes Family.
The disciples
of the lamb
It’s for young people ages 16 to 30. It is for young people who, having had a personal conversion experience, choose Christ as the only Lord and Master of their lives. They meet together regularly in a home and bear witness to their belonging to the Disciples of the Lamb through their faith and their concrete commitment in the Church and in society.
“They follow the Lamb wherever he goes.” (Rev 14:6)
The friends of the Lamb are lay members or clerics of all ages who want to live according to the spirituality of the Beatitudes. Making an annual commitment, they express their desire to lead a life of regular prayer based on the community liturgy and are committed to actively participating in the life and mission of the Community.
The members of these fraternities are diocesan or religious priests who wish to live the spirituality of the Community in their place of mission. They meet in local fraternity with priests of the Community to live fraternal times and common missions.

My name is Hajni, I am 23 years old, Hungarian and married for two years. I have just finished my studies…