The sisters of the Community profess the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. They commit themselves to a personal and profound intimacy with Christ, their Bridegroom, as well as to the love of neighbor, in order to love others with the very love of Christ.
It is through a life of prayer that the sisters become a sign of Christ. Each day is filled with so many ways to nurture their intimacy with Christ: the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, source and summit of each day, a daily hour of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, the Liturgy of the Hours, the Lectio Divina, and devotion to the Virgin Mary, through a daily consecration and through the prayer of the Rosary. The sisters also seek to practice unceasing prayer, listening to the Holy Spirit in all circumstances.
The contemplation of God opens towards a joyful and luminous fraternal communion, where each considers the other superior to himself (Ph 2, 3). The sisters seek to put down roots and to grow in Love. Their communion is lived within the branch in specific times (meals, outings) where each sister has the concern to promote a better mutual knowledge. In his fraternal relations, simplicity, forgetfulness of oneself, the search for the good of the other, but also dialogue, forgiveness, reconciliation, are always privileged. It is also with the brothers and the laity of the Community that the sisters wish to live a true fraternal communion.
The sisters bear witness in the first place through their consecrated life. Their life of union with God is the foundation for their apostolic action stems. A variety of ministries spring from the spirituality of the Beatitudes: reception of groups, compassion, work in the medical field, evangelization, catechesis and chaplaincy, service for the diocese…
They work in communion with the brothers and sisters of the other branches of the Community and carry out the mission in the same spirit of apostolic zeal. Each uses the skills that are hers, according to the variety of gifts and vocations (leadership, teaching, stewardship, cooking, music, cantoring, etc.)
Wearing the habit helps the sisters of the Community to be witnesses in the midst of the world. The habit is a sign that challenges the sisters to live out and proclaim the Kingdom present here below.
Give Witness

Sr. Claire-Sandrine
Born in Grenoble, I entered the Community aged 23. When I was confirmed at the age of 16…

Sr. Emilie
My name is Sr Emilie of the Heart of Jesus and Mary. I am originally from Ardèche and it is after obtaining a bachelor’s degree in history…

Sr. Klara Misericordia
I was born in Kazakhstan. Surely it isn’t often one comes across a text in French about someone coming from so far away.

My name is Sr, Thérèse of the Holy Face (a reference to the face of Christ for the uninitiated). I am a French national from Guadeloupe

Sr. Claire d'Assise
I am of English origin, and a New Zealand national. I was sixteen months old when we left England for New Zealand

Sr. Maya-Lys of Jesus
My name is Maya and I am Lebanese. Jesus came to pick me up during my studies when I was 25 years old…

Sr. Claudia of the Lamb of God
I grew up not far from St. Gallen in Switzerland. Before joining the Community of the Beatitudes in Zug in 2010