Meditation of Fr. Jacques Philippe, cb

“…it is to hear this call of the Holy Spirit, which, in line with the Second Vatican Council, brings about a powerful awakening of the people of God…

Our call in 3 points



Integration into the Community passes through different stages in a progressive process which varies according to the state of life to which one is called or in which one finds oneself.



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    “Votre don sera reçu par la Fondation pour le Clergé, en faveur de la Communauté des Béatitudes et les données recueillies sur le formulaire de don serviront aux communications de la Communauté des Béatitudes et de la Fondation pour le Clergé.”

    The vocation to the Beatitudes,

    it is to hear the call of the Holy Spirit which, in line with the Second Vatican Council, kindles a powerful awakening of the people of God, and particularly of the milk. He renews his Church, embellishes it like the bride preparing for the coming of the Bridegroom, and enriches it with completely new gifts, including that of communities to which belong the faithful of all vocations and all states of life: families, celibates, consecrated brothers and sisters, priests, deacons, etc.

    It is to be fascinated by the beauty of the coming Kingdom and by the splendor of the heavenly Jerusalem, to want to commit with all the ardor of one’s heart to anticipating this life of the Kingdom here below by welcoming all the graces and all the means of communion with the Lord that the Spirit pours into the Church. It is to dedicate one’s entire life totally and definitively to the advent of this Kingdom.

    It is to anticipate the heavenly liturgy in its splendor through the earthly liturgy, through the fervor of praise, the beauty of the song, the arts placed at the service of the Glory of God, dance, just like David dancing to his God in front of the Ark. It is to make the Eucharist the center and the summit of our life.

    It is to establish with the other members of the Community, like the first Christians, a life of fraternal communion and sharing, seeking the unanimity of hearts and souls, so that no one in the Community considers anything as his own, but keeping  “everything is in common”  (Acts 4:32).

    It is to put follow the Carmelite tradition of faithful and persevering mental prayer, aspiring to the nuptial relationship with Christ to which all the baptized are called. It is to participate here below in the life of the Trinity and allow divine love to burn and consume us, so that in the heart of the Church, to keep alive the flame of love which is her only life and her only strength.

    It is to follow St. Thérèse’s path of spiritual childhood, accepting one’s poverties and audacious trusting the mercy of the Father.

    It is to resolutely embrace the Cross of Christ, practicing poverty, obedience and chastity according to one’s state of life, and welcoming as a precious grace all the sufferings and trials that impoverish us, that strip us of ourselves and conform us to Christ in his nakedness.

    It is to live in trusting abandonment to Providence, to have no worries, but to rely on the fidelity of our Heavenly Father to provide for all necessities, both spiritual and material.

    It is to cast a gaze of love and esteem on the people of the first Covenant, the Jewish people, and to recognize the irrevocable privileges of Israel  “to whom belongs the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the glory, worship, promises and fathers, and from whom, according to the flesh, Christ came”  (Rm 9:4). It is to open ourselves to the spiritual heritage we have received from this People, and to pray earnestly to hasten God’s purposes for Israel and the fulfillment of its unique role in the history of salvation. It is to believe that, in this rediscovered link with  “the root that carries us”  (Rm 11:18), is found the historical and eschatological foundation of ecumenism.

    It is to unite ourselves to the prayer of Jesus so that all may be one, that his Church rediscover its unity. It is to recognize the richness of each of the Churches, and to welcome their gifts, especially the Eastern Churches, so that the Community in its way of life and its liturgy may be a prophetic anticipation of the unity that the Spirit manifests among all members of the Body of Christ.

    It is to recognize in each poor person the presence of Jesus who invites us to embrace him in our love. It is letting ourselves be taught by the poor, in order to live out the first beatitude.

    It is to feel a burning zeal that God be known and loved by all his children, that the Gospel be announced to all nations. It means constantly broadening the horizons of our hearts to respond to the calls that humanity, thirsting for salvation, addresses to us. It is to be ready to accept the gifts of prophecy, of healing, and the other charisms which accompany and render effective the proclamation of the Word.

    It is to devote oneself totally to Mary in line with the spirituality of Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, to aspire to a true mystical union with her, to live in her in order to receive there the fullness of divine life and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

    It is to take as a model of our community life the Holy Family of Nazareth, to learn to live not for oneself but for the other, to find there the true meaning of human relations, to learn from St. Joseph what true fatherhood is, so that our homes may be true families and places of human, emotional and spiritual healing for our wounded generation so wounded.

    It is filial submission to the Catholic Church and its representatives, to the directives and teachings of the Holy Father, to the pastoral authority of the bishops, to seek maximum communion with all the realities of the Church with which we are in contact.

    It is to conform to the Rule of life of the Community, to its statutes approved by the Church, but also to live the newness of the Holy Spirit knowing that community grace goes far beyond its legal structures, and therefore to allow those who are called there to belong according to flexible and diverse modalities to the spiritual family that it.

    Father Jacques Philippe, cb