The lay branch is made up of men and women, lay people (married, celibate or consecrated by a vow of celibacy) and clerics (permanent deacons) who, responding to the Lord’s call, want to follow Him by living according to the charism of Community of the Beatitudes. They seek to consecrate their life to the Lord by living in the spirit of the evangelical counsels (poverty, chastity and obedience) and that of the Beatitudes (cf. Mt 5, 3-12), in order to be witnesses of the Gospel in the world and signs of the Kingdom to come.
Their choice to become involved in the Community is thus a response to the pressing appeal addressed by the Church to the laity since the Second Vatican Council to follow the call to holiness which flows from baptismal grace and to participate fully in the mission of the Church.
Fraternal & Community Life
Couples, families and single people choose to live a certain form of community and fraternal life compatible with their own vocation.
Various forms of commitment are possible, in order to allow lay people to persevere in their call according to the different constraints of their evolving life situations.
- They can choose to live at a community house, where they have their own living quarters. Families live there in apartments or houses. They live community life on a daily basis. They have certain times within their branch and certain times together with the members of the consecrated branches.
- Other lay members choose to live attached to a community house, but not on its premises. They participate in the life of a household on a weekly basis.
- Finally, members may constitute a fraternity, with weekly community activities. In this case, they do not live in the same place and the meetings can take place at one of their homes or in a common meeting space.
Prayer Life
Couples or celibates of the Community seek a life of deep and unceasing prayer. In the midst of their family and professional commitment, they must develop a life of prayer in all places and at all times. However, they try to preserve in the heart of their day time for God alone. Thus, they remember that the heart to heart of prayer and of the Word of God is the source of all fruitfulness.
They participate as much as possible in the liturgical life of the Community as well as developing a true life of personal prayer and family prayer, along with prayer as a couple.
The lay people of the Community work in secular professions, for the Church, or for an apostolate of the Community in connection with the consecrated brothers and sisters. Families provide for their own needs and those of their children.
They see their work and their presence in society as a mission to be witnesses of the values of the Gospel values and to be signs of Christ’s mercy for all.
Couples and celibates with a call to evangelization or compassion at heart actively participate in the mission and apostolates of the Community, in communion with priests and brothers and sisters.
They may have missions given by the Community or personal missions.
the Charter
The personal charter expresses each lay member’s commitment to God and to the Community within the branch. This charter is drafted for the duration of one year, by each lay member, in consultation with his coordinator. It takes into account the level of commitment, the professional situation, the stage of life, the fraternal life and of prayer, mission, and formation.

and Laurence
We are married and have three children aged 15 to 9. We are of French, Italian and Spanish origin!

Bart and Veerle
We got married in 1993 and have three children. We are Belgian nationals, of flemish origin and live in Flanders

Guillem and Esther
We are Guillem and Esther. Originally from Barcelona, we joined the Community when…

A Lebanese national, I have been living in the Community house of Gharzouz, in Lebanon, for two years.

Jean-Claude and Martine
Jean-Claude, a permanent deacon, and myself, Martine, are among the very first members of the Community.