52nd International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest

Közösségünk a Hősök Téren

“All my springs are in you” (Ps 87:7) – this was the theme of the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress held in Budapest from September 5 to 12, 2021. Well, we really experienced it! We probably have to be stripped of our own sources and resources in order to experience another source.

Organizing an event of this magnitude is always a challenge, but in these times of pandemic? The Congress scheduled for September 2020 could not take place until a year later and the preparation was a real a walk on water! The Lord surpassed all our expectations! 5 days of Congress preceded the highlights of the weekend. 12,000 young people gathered to worship the Lord in a stadium on Friday night. Then an impressive crowd participated Saturday night at the mass in front of the Parliament and the Eucharistic torchlight procession. All these highly symbolic places of Budapest were invaded by hundreds of thousands of praying people, in a fraternal, joyful and fervent atmosphere, and in a great simplicity.

Then the great closing mass with once again a much larger crowd than could be expected. All this was not a demonstration, nor simply a beautiful success, it was a spiritual event for all of us. In his beautiful homily, the Holy Father seemed to want to encourage us in this same sense: “The Christian path is not an assault of success, but it begins with a retreat, a liberating decentralization, which allows us to get out of the middle.”

As the Community of the Beatitudes, we have also experienced something like that. We are currently few in number and in the midst of important restructurings. Nevertheless, the Lord has wanted to use us in ways that are often hidden, but that fill us with joy and thanksgiving. We have given our 5 loaves and 2 fishes, and have experienced an incredible multiplication. To name just a few of the services of our brothers and sisters: host of the theological symposium, liturgical leaders, the French voice of the Congress, sacristines for the Holy Father, singing of lauds, writing of meditations read during the Eucharistic procession, an exhibition and a play in the cultural programs, stands during the family day and in the city, participation in evangelization activities in the city squares… No, this would not be possible, if the Lord did not bless us by pouring out “all his springs” on us.

Glory to HIM!


Hervé Pichon

Hervé Pichon est marié et père de famille. Il a travaillé au service de la communication et du site internet de la Communauté.




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