All Jews as one !

On February 21, 2021, a Jewish organisation called “All Jews as one” will launch a prayer event, which is an invitation addressed to all the Jews around the world to pray together for peace through the coming of the Messiah. Everyone will be asked to recite the same prayer (16h, GMT)

This initiative will take place five days before the Jewish fest day of Purim which commemorates the miraculous salvation of the Jews in the former Persian Empire under the reign of King Ahasuerus. The story, told the Book of Esther, relates how Haman the Agagite, an important court official, tried but failed to exterminate the Jewish population. The Jewish people, who have experienced many persecutions over the centuries, often pray for peace and the disappearance of all the forms of totalitarianism. They also know that the only one who can give the true peace that will never pass is the Messiah.

The Catholic Church has been involved with the Jewish-Christian dialogue for many years. There are six essential points that unite Christians and Jews:

  • Faith in One God
  • The Bible that we share together (Torah/ Pentateuch, Neviim/ the Prophets and Historical Books of the Bible, Ketuvim/ Writings or Wisdom Books
  • Participation in God’s Covenant
  • Common points in moral and ethical teaching
  • Prayer and liturgy
  • The hope in the coming of the Messiah and prayer for peace in the world

The Community of the Beatitudes has always been close to our older brothers in faith in recognising that our “salvation is from the Jews” (Jn 4:22) and that Christians have been grafted onto the olive tree of God’s chosen people, Israel.

The Church is waiting for the Messiah to appear in glory at the end of time and prays for his coming and ushering in the reign of his peace in the world. This is a very important aspect of the spirituality of the Community of the Beatitudes to intercede and to live each moment in such a way as to hasten this return: “it is also our duty to call with the Spirit and all of Israel Come!” (Book of Life, no. 92)

Therefore, everyone who feels inclined to join this initiative, can do so, by simply reciting Our Father on February 21 at 16h (GMT).



Sr Eliana

Sr Eliana est membre de la Communauté dans notre maison d'Emmaüs-Nicopolis en Israël. Touchée par ces mots de Nostra Aetate 4 ( Concile Vatican II ), " L'Eglise approfondit et comprend son propre mystère en scrutant celui d'Israël ", elle est impliquée dans le dialogue judéo-chrétien et participe à des rencontres internationales de Juifs et Chrétiens. Elle est correctrice de l'hébreu biblique pour l'Institut biblique de Toulouse.




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