Presence of the Community of the Beatitudes in Trapani (Italy)

Erice, Italia

The Community of the Beatitudes has been present in the Diocese of Trapani since 1999. After the departure of the consecrated brothers and sisters for the new foundation in the Diocese of Noto, in 2012, a lay community presence remained in Trapani.

A couple from the Community (Gigi Arrigo who is a deacon and his wife Katia) testify to the charism and spirituality of the Community of the Beatitudes with Friends of the Lamb (covenant members) in the church of San Giovannello which has been entrusted to them. They ensure the following activities take place : Eucharistic adoration, lectio divina, reception of the Shabbat on Friday evenings, Vespers of the Resurrection on Saturdays, Israeli dances. They organize days dedicated to spiritual themes, evangelization missions and lead prayer groups and Rose Petals evenings.



“Votre don sera reçu par la Fondation pour le Clergé, en faveur de la Communauté des Béatitudes et les données recueillies sur le formulaire de don serviront aux communications de la Communauté des Béatitudes et de la Fondation pour le Clergé.”
