Affiliated members

In the Beatitudes Family, connected to the Community, young people, couples, single people, deacons, and diocesan priests can live their daily lives according to the spirituality of the Community by taking on a commitment as “affiliated members.” There are several types of commitment and ways of belonging to the Beatitudes Family.

  • The Friends of the Lamb are lay members or clerics of all ages who want to live according to the spirituality of the Beatitudes. Making an annual commitment, they express their desire to lead a life of regular prayer based on the community liturgy and are committed to actively participating in the life and mission of the Community. Send an email to learn more…
  • The Disciples of the Lamb is for young people ages 16 to 30. It is for young people who, having had a personal conversion experience, choose Christ as the only Lord and Master of their lives. They meet together regularly in a home and bear witness to their belonging to the Disciples of the Lamb through their faith and their concrete commitment in the Church and in society.
  • The Fraternities of Saint Camille de Lellis are places where people going through difficulties are welcomed. In connection with the Community of the Beatitudes, the members of the Fraternities have a special vocation and training to accompany and pray with others. They offer a program of accompaniment towards interior restoration and a listening compassion.
  • The Fraternities of Secular Clerics include diocesan or religious priests who wish to live according to the spirituality of the Community in their place of mission.They meet in local fraternity with priests of the Community to experience fraternal times and common missions.


“Aspiring to a greater union with God, I commit myself to the daily practice of prayer, to a lovingly reading of the Word of God every day, to frequenting the sacraments regularly, to Marian prayer, and to strive to keep my heart and my body chaste.

I also commit to working for the sanctification of my fellow young people, through fasting, prayer and the witness of a Christian life consistent with the teachings of the Church.

Lord, I want to love You and make You loved. Be my light and my strength. Amen.”

from the Commitment of the Disciples of the Lamb

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    “Votre don sera reçu par la Fondation pour le Clergé, en faveur de la Communauté des Béatitudes et les données recueillies sur le formulaire de don serviront aux communications de la Communauté des Béatitudes et de la Fondation pour le Clergé.”