Living Water

Saint Pierre, Reunion Island, France

  • Saint Pierre, Reunion Island, France

  • Communauté des Béatitudes,
    80 rue Marius et Ary Leblond,
    97410 Saint Pierre,
    Ile de la Réunion

  • 262/ 262 61 01 28
    262/ 692 53 18 11

  • Contact us

Réunion Island is a French overseas department, located in the Indian ocean, east to Madagascar. The island is blessed with lush tropical vegetation, temperate climate and trade winds. The mixed population coming from all around the world makes the specificity of the island and its inkling towards “togetherness”.

In 2015, the Community of Beatitudes resettled in a former spiritual center in Saint Pierre in the southern part of the island.

The diocese put us in charge of a parish as well as taking care of youth service in Lassalle and Saint Joseph of Cluny private schools. Our “Living Water” house cultivates its specific grace through a life organized around regular prayer, celebrations of the Eucharist, Spiritual Days and sessions.

A charismatic prayer and praise group called “Tov lehodot” teams up with us on all our Beatitudes missions. Right from the beginning we perceived a strong calling to help and accompany families and our chapel is dedicated to Saints Louis and Zélie Martin.

“Votre don sera reçu par la Fondation pour le Clergé, en faveur de la Communauté des Béatitudes et les données recueillies sur le formulaire de don serviront aux communications de la Communauté des Béatitudes et de la Fondation pour le Clergé.”
