Martin family

Lisieux, France

There are about twenty lay and consecrated brothers and sisters of nine different countries in our Community at Lisieux.

Since our arrival in Lisieux, in 1991, we have been working for Saint Thérèse (« The Little Flower »). Both consecrated and lay sisters work at different posts of the shrine of Saint Thérèse : sacristy of the Basilica, ‘Les Buissonnets’ (home to the Martin family), sacristy and flower arrangements at the Carmelite monastery, pastoral activities with young people and communication services.

Our brother priests work for the shrine.  Our Foyer is also responsible, with the help of friends, for organizing and running the International Session of Lisieux providing a strong time of prayer, teachings and various shared activities.

« Friends of the Lamb », committed to following Christ in their daily lives in communion with the Community and its spirituality, are also linked to our Foyer. This whole venture is supported by a life of daily prayer centered around the recitation of the Office, the celebration of the Eucharist and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

“Votre don sera reçu par la Fondation pour le Clergé, en faveur de la Communauté des Béatitudes et les données recueillies sur le formulaire de don serviront aux communications de la Communauté des Béatitudes et de la Fondation pour le Clergé.”
