Saint Catherine of Siena Monastery

Blagnac, France

Since 1987, the Community of the Beatitudes has brought life in the form of liturgical prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to the monestary of St. Catherine of Siena in Blagnac, formerly inhabited by Cistercien and Domican religious sisters. The Community is open to host individuals, prayer groups, student groups, and different diocesan groups.

Many of the brothers and sisters of the Community currently receive formation through the Catholic Institute of Toulouse, or are themselves teachers there. Others work at the service of different parishes, or in healthcare.

With a particular sensitivity toward young adults and families, the Community organizes times of prayer for children, teenagers, young adults, single adults, and families. (link)
The monestary of St. Catherine of Siena is also the home of the general government of the Community, its administrative services, and its NGO.

“Votre don sera reçu par la Fondation pour le Clergé, en faveur de la Communauté des Béatitudes et les données recueillies sur le formulaire de don serviront aux communications de la Communauté des Béatitudes et de la Fondation pour le Clergé.”
