Capuchin Monastery

Zug, Swiss

The house is located in a former Capuchin monastery, on the ramparts of the old town of Zug, on a beautiful lake shore.

Since arriving here in central Switzerland in the year 2000, the Community continues the spiritual leadership of the place through the celebration of liturgical offices and the daily Eucharistic adoration.

Besides welcoming visitors, the Community offers family days and supports numerous young people on their faith journey.

With them, we began our annual pilgrimage, the “Hike for Jesus”, and the regular prayer evenings, called “Adoray”.

“Votre don sera reçu par la Fondation pour le Clergé, en faveur de la Communauté des Béatitudes et les données recueillies sur le formulaire de don serviront aux communications de la Communauté des Béatitudes et de la Fondation pour le Clergé.”
