
Maisons-Alfort, France

  • Maisons-Alfort, France

  • Communauté des Béatitudes,
    45 Rue Cécile,
    94700 Maisons-Alfort,

  • 09 81 73 55 76

  • Contact us

The Beatitudes Community has recently settled in a Paris outskirt called Maisons-Alfort, in the middle of a residential area where different cultures and religions mingle.

Members of the Maisons-Alfort house serve the parish ensemble of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Saint Agnès and Saint Gabriel.

Their charism shines through the rhythm of daily prayer, spiritual companionship and evangelization. Besides, some brothers and sisters serve at the disposal of Créteil diocese so that they take charge of chaplaincy service in health facilities, coordination of parish youth activities or liturgical celebrations.

On a wider scope, the community bears witness to a life of union with God and shows in their own way that the Church is a communion mystery.

“Votre don sera reçu par la Fondation pour le Clergé, en faveur de la Communauté des Béatitudes et les données recueillies sur le formulaire de don serviront aux communications de la Communauté des Béatitudes et de la Fondation pour le Clergé.”
